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Post archive from Q1 2021

The 3 Biggest Cloud Computing Trends In 2021

The 3 Biggest Cloud Computing Trends In 2021

Cloud has been the backbone of our economy whilst the economy has been forced to be shut down and...
AWS vs Azure vs Google: Which is better for my business?

AWS vs Azure vs Google: Which is better for my business?

While many of our readers understand cloud computing and are experts working on numerous projects as...
Remote management - What have we learnt

Remote management - What have we learnt

We seem to have forgotten that remote management was happening successfully long before Covid...
What does the future hold for the UK and Ireland (UKI) Salesforce ecosystem?

What does the future hold for the UK and Ireland (UKI) Salesforce ecosystem?

The UK and Ireland (UKI) Salesforce ecosystem represents an abundance of growing opportunity and...
Join us for our latest webinar: Your Survival Leadership Response.

Join us for our latest webinar: Your Survival Leadership Response.

Following our nine highly successful and oversubscribed webinars in the last 12 months on 'Building...
HR insights from pandemic times

HR insights from pandemic times

There is a right way to make light of every situation! Covid pandemic forced us to invent new...
Working smarter with AI in Salesforce

Working smarter with AI in Salesforce

In a year unlike any other, Salesforce saw one third of their customers increasing their current...
The Return of ‘Recruit to Replace’ - Be Ready

The Return of ‘Recruit to Replace’ - Be Ready

As 2021 sees the UK embark on a vaccine strategy, and as organisations begin to plan for a future...
Why should you be using AI in Mobile App Development?

Why should you be using AI in Mobile App Development?

Why should you be using AI in Mobile App Development? Business leaders are now looking for...
What a Bad Hire really Costs your Business

What a Bad Hire really Costs your Business

When it comes to recruitment, finding the right person can give your organisation a major boost. But...
What 3 Distinct Digital Trends Will Shape the Future of Business in 2021

What 3 Distinct Digital Trends Will Shape the Future of Business in 2021

The global pandemic has changed the world we live in. It has forced organisations across the globe...
Biggest project management hiccups in the limelight

Biggest project management hiccups in the limelight

They say that the best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today. And that applies also to...
Next Best Shot

Next Best Shot

Recently, one of our prospects told us: “we want to build a customer centric driven experience”....
Managing workforce demands in a post-Brexit economy.

Managing workforce demands in a post-Brexit economy.

On January 1st 2021, freedom of movement between the UK and EU ended. EEA citizens who were already...
Why Salesforce acquired Startup Vlocity

Why Salesforce acquired Startup Vlocity

On 1st June 2020, Salesforce announced they had closed a deal for $1.33B to acquire Vlocity. So...
New Year's Resolutions? UK set to become world leader within tech IPO, even after Brexit

New Year's Resolutions? UK set to become world leader within tech IPO, even after Brexit

Happy New Years 2021! As everyone pans out their New Year’s Resolutions at the start of this...
Be Optimistic for your career in 2021

Be Optimistic for your career in 2021

They say a New Year brings with it change and renewed optimism but while many of us were quick to...
Why You Need an E-Commerce App?

Why You Need an E-Commerce App?

We know what you’re thinking. E-commerce websites are great, they do exactly what they need to do...

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